digital-label-removebg-preview.pngDigital adhesive labels are used to brand products that cannot be branded with any other method. They are printed with a digital printing press and applied to the product.


  • Ideal for producing vivid full colour images as well as closely matched spot colour branding.
  • Can print variable data including individual names.
  • Only one set up charge is required regardless of the number of print colours.
  • Edge-to-edge branding can be achieved.
  • Can be cut to custom shapes.


  • Metallic and neon/fluorescent colours are not available.
  • White print cannot be produced on clear, silver or gold stock.

Artwork Requirements

  • Artwork can be supplied in either vector or bitmap format.
  • Supplied bitmaps must be higher than 300DPI resolution at the actual print size.
  • A 3mm bleed should be added to the artwork if it bleeds off the product.